domingo, 3 de junio de 2012

Redeker - Transitions - Drum&Bass Mix 05.2012

Play list:
1. Shifted - Yearning (1 part)
2. Itzone - Odisea (Redeker rmx)
3. Electrosoul System & Sunchase - Alluvion
4. Roy Green & Protone - Illusion
5. Loxy & Isotone - Ancients
6. Fierce & Spy - Borderline
7. Total Science & SPY - Whoonga
8. Sabre & Vicious Circle - Columbo
9. Nymfo - Underfire
10. Vicious Circle - Instinct
11. Nymfo - Resolve (Klute VIP)
12. Klute & Silent Witness - Friendless
13. Allied - Event Horizon
14. The Prototypes - Subterrestrial (vip)
15. Inside Info - Honey Bee
16. Memtrix and C - Netik - Vicious Circle
17. Dose - Eye To Eye
18. The Panacea - Ear2Brain
19. Zardonic & Counterstrike & Gein & Robyn Chaos - Revolution
20. Fierce & DBridge - Exhale
21. Moolok- Continius Mooll (Metashake recs)
22. Shifted - Yearning (2 part)
23. KJ Sawka - New Life (Technical Itch rmx)
24. Shifted - Yearning (3 part)

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