jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2011

Ink & Loxy - Horsementality Album Minimix [FREE DL]

(Skip to each track by clicking the time next to track name)

1. DBR UK & Fokus - Horsementality 00:00
2. XTM & Eddie Bo - Remember 01:27
3. Loxy & Skeptical - Engage 02:01
4. Fade & True Renegades - Plazma 02:45
5. Stranjah - Intalus 3:30 
6. Amoss - Mentality 04:14
7. The Untouchables & Mental Forces - Militant Dub 05:42
8. Skitty - Principal - 06:26
9. J. Robinson - Chiefdom 07:32
10. Fade - Bloodline 08: 38 - 
11. Sam KDC - Eyeless 09:44 
12. Resound - Idlers 10:50
13. Overlook - Kyoto 12:18
14. Getz - Labyrinth 13:02
15. Amoss - Otala 14:31 
16. Sinistarr - Shudder 15:38
17. Ink & DBR UK - Deadly Thoughts - 17:28
18. Fission - Alchemy 18:56
19. Blocks & Isotone - Move Along - 19:40 
20. Friske & Gremlinz - Amber Rose 20:46
21. Arclight - Judas 21:52
22. Friske - Paper Chase - 22:58
23. Linden, Blocks & Escher - Lived - 23:42
24. Pessimist - Gas Heads - 24:49
25. Sinistarr feat. Grimm - Dead Idolz - 25:34 
26. Kaizen - Blood Wars - 26:17
27. DJ E - It's a Sin - 27:01
28. Loxy & Resound - Seraphim - 27:45
29. Ink & BTK - Cold Flow - 28:30
30. J. Robinson - Rough Rider 29:36

Order your digital or vinyl copy at: http://www.renegadehardware.co.uk/shop

30 track digital bundle (28th Nov) / 3 Vinyl EP's. 

EP 1: http://tiny.cc/BUY_EP1
EP 2: http://tiny.cc/BUY_EP2
EP 3: http://tiny.cc/BUY_EP3


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